Herbal Answers for Men's Health
With today’s continual advances in medical sciences, prescription and over the counter medications are available for just about any malady that may strike. Just because these chemical medicines exist, does not mean they are always the best choice. Along with any help they may provide a host of unpleasant side effects often closely follows. Though sometimes overlooked, herbs often contain the remedies men may need for a host of concerns, without the inclusion of harsh chemicals. With hundreds to thousands of years of use supporting their efficacy and benefits, herbal remedies may be just the answer men need to address health concerns.
Concern: Prostate Health
Herbal Answer: Turmeric. This spice has long been highly regarded and frequently used in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine. Turmeric’s super food status is backed by scientists with studies documenting its supreme powers. A study in the Journal of Cancer Science & Therapy found turmeric to provide protective effects to the prostate and a University of Texas study showed turmeric to have impressive results in stopping prostate cancer cells. Turmeric can be used to provide color and flavor to your meals, added to your tea or smoothie for an anti-inflammatory beverage or taken as a supplement in capsules.
Concern: Testosterone Levels and Reproductive Health
Herbal Answer: Saw Palmetto. A powerful plant used for years in Europe to treat Benign Prostatic Hyperlasia (BHA), a condition in which the prostate becomes enlarged. Saw palmetto has also been shown to be effective in balancing testosterone levels, which can in turn boost fertility and reproductive health. One of the greatest advantages of saw palmetto is that, unlike synthetic supplements, it does not raise testosterone to excess levels. Saw Palmetto can be used as a supplement or made into a powerful tea beverage.
Concern: Nutritional Support; Sperm Quality and Quantity
Herbal Answer: Pine Bark. Pine bark possesses an exceptionally high antioxidant content, making it an important supplement for overall nutrition and wellness. The high antioxidant content particularly the antioxidant proanthocyanidin helps to support and increase the number of healthy sperm while decreasing the amount of unhealthy sperm. Pine bark extract can be found in liquid, tablet or capsule form and creams, lotions or ointments.
The information presented above is for informational, reference and educational purposes only and should not be interpreted as a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a health care professional. Although, the information presented herein is based on material provided by researchers and sources deemed reliable, I do not presume to give medical advice. Anyone wishing to use this information should share it with his or her health care provider before embarking on any therapeutic program. It is your responsibility to discuss any alternative or natural remedy with your health care provider before using it.